AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
5 hoursExample dataHEADmasterChristian C
5 hoursUseful runnersChristian C
5 hoursTwo more argumentsChristian C
5 hoursIgnore output directoryChristian C
5 hoursMake raylib optionalChristian C
6 hoursMinor semantic changeChristian C
6 hoursSave to PNGChristian C
7 hoursClosing up label gapsChristian C
7 hoursCleanupChristian C
8 hoursFree after final useChristian C
8 hoursFilter small labelsChristian C
8 hoursFilter small labelsChristian C
10 hoursGet contiguous regions from final mask in case concatenation lead to splittin...Christian C
11 hoursssize_t typeChristian C
11 hoursTime entire executionChristian C
11 hoursInclude perimeter informationChristian C
11 hoursPerimeter pixel checkChristian C
12 hoursModularizeChristian C
12 hoursModularizeChristian C
12 hoursReturn information on whether or not a node was updatedChristian C
13 hoursBetter Allocation ManagementChristian C
13 hoursAVL TreeChristian C
14 hoursDump output to fileChristian C
15 hoursFix missing headerChristian C
15 hoursTiming macroChristian C
15 hoursModularizeChristian C
28 hoursDilate masksChristian C
29 hoursCombine masksChristian C
29 hoursStreamline TIF processingChristian C
33 hoursVerbose function nameChristian C
33 hoursRemove line commentsChristian C
33 hoursModularizationChristian C
34 hoursValidate directoryChristian C
34 hoursCommand line argumentsChristian C
35 hoursDetect build platformChristian C
35 hoursDirectory file listingsChristian C
35 hoursExtended CommentingChristian C
36 hoursCommentingChristian C
36 hoursCommentingChristian C
36 hoursContiguous labelingChristian C
36 hoursLinux PkgconfChristian C
39 hoursOverlay tag startingChristian C
40 hoursEasier pkgconf changeChristian C
3 daysDrawing image with RaylibChristian C
3 daysTiff open codeChristian C
3 daysIteration 1Christian C
3 daysIgnore data filesChristian C
3 daysUseful for Eglot to have proper includesChristian C
3 daysSimplified buildingChristian C
3 daysInitial commitChristian C