.section .text .globl init_graphics init_graphics: push {lr} @ set Video Controller resolution to 640x480x16bit @ 16-bit, cause the 8-bit depth needs a palette ldr r1, =vc_set_res bl mb0_c8_write bl mb0_c8_read tst r0, #0x80000000 beq .vc_init_fail @ get VC framebuffer address ldr r1, =vc_alloc_fb bl mb0_c8_write bl mb0_c8_read tst r0, #0x80000008 beq .vc_init_fail @ check if the address is correct ldr r0, [r1, #20] cmp r0, #0 beq .vc_init_fail @ draw "NO OS" text @bl vc_draw_no_os_bmp ldr r1, =vram_base str r0, [r1] pop {pc} .vc_init_fail: ldr r1, =txt_vc_fail bl uart_string pop {pc} .globl draw_pix draw_pix: push {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, lr} ldr r4, =vram_base ldr r4, [r4] mov r3, #2 mul r0, r3 add r4, r0 push {r2} mov r2, #640 mul r2, r3 mul r3, r1, r2 add r4, r3 pop {r1} str r1, [r4] pop {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, pc} @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VC @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .equ MBOX0, 0x3f00b880 @ writes to mailbox #0, channel 8 @ r1 - message mb0_c8_write: message .req r1 mailbox .req r3 status .req r2 ldr mailbox, =MBOX0 .mb0_full: ldr status, [mailbox, #0x18] tst status, #0x80000000 @ mailbox full flag bne .mb0_full add message, #8 @ channel 8 str message, [mailbox, #0x20] @ write addr sub message, #8 .unreq mailbox .unreq message .unreq status mov pc, lr @ reads from mailbox #0, channel 8 @ r1 - message @ returns status in r0 mb0_c8_read: message .req r1 mailbox .req r2 status .req r3 value .req r4 ldr mailbox, =MBOX0 .mb0_empty: ldr status, [mailbox, #0x18] tst status, #0x40000000 @ mailbox empty flag bne .mb0_empty ldr value, [mailbox] @ check if the message channel is 8 and r0, value, #0xf teq r0, #8 bne .mb0_empty ldr r0, [message, #4] .unreq message .unreq mailbox .unreq status .unreq value mov pc, lr @ raspi mailbox requests, must be padded to 16 bytes .align 4 vc_set_res: .word 80, 0 @ total size, code (0=req) .word 0x00048003, 8, 8, 640, 480 @ set physical size (640x480) .word 0x00048004, 8, 8, 640, 480 @ set virtual size (640x480) .word 0x00048005, 4, 4, 16 @ set depth (16-bit) .word 0, 0, 0, 0 @ end tag & padding vc_alloc_fb: .word 32, 0 @ total size, code (0=req) .word 0x00040001, 8, 4, 16, 0 @ allocate framebuffer .word 0 @ end tag & padding .align 2 txt_welcome: .asciz "No OS installed\r\n" txt_vc_fail: .asciz "VC initialization failed\r\n" .align 2 .globl vram_base vram_base: .word 0,0 vmem: .word 0xFFFF