#include #include #include #include #include #include unsigned char *lfb; /* raw frame buffer address */ #define SCR_WIDTH 1920 #define SCR_HEIGHT 1080 /** * Set screen resolution to 1024x768 */ void lfb_init(void) { mbox[0] = 35*4; mbox[1] = MBOX_REQUEST; mbox[2] = 0x48003; //set phy wh mbox[3] = 8; mbox[4] = 8; mbox[5] = SCR_WIDTH; //FrameBufferInfo.width mbox[6] = SCR_HEIGHT; //FrameBufferInfo.height mbox[7] = 0x48004; //set virt wh mbox[8] = 8; mbox[9] = 8; mbox[10] = SCR_WIDTH; //FrameBufferInfo.virtual_width mbox[11] = SCR_HEIGHT; //FrameBufferInfo.virtual_height mbox[12] = 0x48009; //set virt offset mbox[13] = 8; mbox[14] = 8; mbox[15] = 0; //FrameBufferInfo.x_offset mbox[16] = 0; //FrameBufferInfo.y.offset mbox[17] = 0x48005; //set depth mbox[18] = 4; mbox[19] = 4; mbox[20] = 32; //FrameBufferInfo.depth mbox[21] = 0x48006; //set pixel order mbox[22] = 4; mbox[23] = 4; mbox[24] = 1; //RGB, not BGR preferably mbox[25] = 0x40001; //get framebuffer, gets alignment on request mbox[26] = 8; mbox[27] = 8; mbox[28] = 4096; //FrameBufferInfo.pointer mbox[29] = 0; //FrameBufferInfo.size mbox[30] = 0x40008; //get pitch mbox[31] = 4; mbox[32] = 4; mbox[33] = 0; //FrameBufferInfo.pitch mbox[34] = MBOX_TAG_LAST; //this might not return exactly what we asked for, could be //the closest supported resolution instead if(mbox_call(MBOX_CH_PROP) && mbox[20]==32 && mbox[28]!=0) { mbox[28]&=0x3FFFFFFF; //convert GPU address to ARM address gwidth=mbox[5]; //get actual physical width gheight=mbox[6]; //get actual physical height gpitch=mbox[33]; //get number of bytes per line gisrgb=mbox[24]; //get the actual channel order lfb=(void*)((unsigned long)mbox[28]); } else { uart_string("Unable to set screen resolution to 1024x768x32\n"); } } void clear_screen(void) { unsigned char *ptr=lfb; for(unsigned int y = 0; y < gheight; y++) { for(unsigned int x = 0; x < gwidth; x++) { *(unsigned int*)ptr = 0x000000; ptr += 4; } } } /** * Show a picture */ void lfb_showpicture(void) { clear_screen(); #define FWIDTH 240 #define FHEIGHT 80 draw_cbox(SCR_WIDTH-FWIDTH, SCR_HEIGHT-FHEIGHT*2, FWIDTH, FHEIGHT, 0x0057b7); draw_cbox(SCR_WIDTH-FWIDTH, SCR_HEIGHT-FHEIGHT, FWIDTH, FHEIGHT, 0xffd700); } void draw_cpixel(unsigned long lx, unsigned long ly, unsigned int c) { unsigned char* ptr = lfb; ptr += (gpitch*ly+lx*4); *((unsigned int*)ptr) = gisrgb ? (unsigned int)((c&0xFF)<<16 | (c&0xFF00) | (c&0xFF0000)>>16) : c; } void draw_cbox(unsigned long lx, unsigned long ly, unsigned int dx, unsigned int dy, unsigned int c) { unsigned char* ptr = lfb; ptr += (gpitch*ly+lx*4); for(unsigned int y = 0; y < dy; y++) { for(unsigned int x = 0; x < dx; x++) { *((unsigned int*)ptr) = gisrgb ? (unsigned int)((c&0xFF)<<16 | (c&0xFF00) | (c&0xFF0000)>>16) : c; ptr += 4; } ptr += gpitch - dx*4; } } void draw_cbyte(unsigned char lx, unsigned char ly, unsigned char letter, unsigned int c) { unsigned int x, y; unsigned char* ptr = lfb; ptr += (gpitch*ly*GLYPH_Y+lx*4*GLYPH_X); unsigned char ltr = (letter & 0xF) + 0x30; if (ltr > 0x39) { ltr += 7; } for(y=0; y> ((GLYPH_X-1)-x)) & glyphs[y+GLYPH_Y*(ltr)]) { *((unsigned int*)ptr) = gisrgb ? (unsigned int)((c&0xFF)<<16 | (c&0xFF00) | (c&0xFF0000)>>16) : c; } else { *((unsigned int*)ptr) = 0x000000; } ptr += 4; } ptr += gpitch - GLYPH_X*4; } } void draw_byte(unsigned char lx, unsigned char ly, unsigned char letter) { draw_cbyte(lx, ly, letter, 0xFFFFFF); } void draw_cletter(unsigned char lx, unsigned char ly, unsigned char letter, unsigned int c) { unsigned int x, y; unsigned char* ptr = lfb; ptr += (gpitch*ly*GLYPH_Y+lx*4*GLYPH_X); unsigned char ltr = letter & 0x7F; for(y=0; y> ((GLYPH_X-1)-x)) & glyphs[y+GLYPH_Y*(ltr)]) { *((unsigned int*)ptr) = gisrgb ? (unsigned int)((c&0xFF)<<16 | (c&0xFF00) | (c&0xFF0000)>>16) : c; } else { *((unsigned int*)ptr) = 0x000000; } ptr += 4; } ptr += gpitch - GLYPH_X*4; } } void draw_letter(unsigned char lx, unsigned char ly, unsigned char letter) { draw_cletter(lx, ly, letter, 0xFFFFFF); } void draw_cstring(unsigned int lx, unsigned int ly, char* s, unsigned int c) { unsigned int x = lx % GG_MAX_X, y = ly % GG_MAX_Y; unsigned int idx = 0; while(s[idx] != 0) { draw_cletter(x++, y, s[idx++], c); if (x > GG_MAX_X) { y += 1; x = 0; } // CHECK Y EVENTUALLY } } void draw_string(unsigned int lx, unsigned int ly, char* s) { draw_cstring(lx, ly, s, 0xFFFFFF); } void draw_chex32(unsigned int lx, unsigned int ly, unsigned long val, unsigned int c) { unsigned int x = lx % GG_MAX_X, y = ly % GG_MAX_Y; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < GLYPH_X; i++) { draw_cbyte(x++, y, 0xF & (val >> ((GLYPH_X-1)-i)*4), c); if (x > GG_MAX_X) { y += 1; x = 0; } // CHECK Y EVENTUALLY } } void draw_hex32(unsigned int lx, unsigned int ly, unsigned long val) { draw_chex32(lx, ly, val, 0xFFFFFF); } unsigned long draw_cu10(unsigned int lx, unsigned int ly, unsigned long val, unsigned int c) { string_t vals = u32_to_str(val); unsigned long len = strlen(vals); draw_cstring(lx, ly, vals, c); return len; } unsigned long draw_u10(unsigned int lx, unsigned int ly, unsigned long val) { return draw_cu10(lx, ly, val, 0xFFFFFF); }