#include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern void kernel_usr_task_loop(void); void init_scheduler(void) { // Set rthread to usrloopthread - an infinitely running thread so that the pointer will never be null usrloopthread.pc = (void*)kernel_usr_task_loop; usrloopthread.sp = (void*)0x5FC8; *(unsigned long**)usrloopthread.sp = (unsigned long*)kernel_usr_task_loop; usrloopthread.sp_base = -1; usrloopthread.mptr = 0; usrloopthread.pid = -1; usrloopthread.priority = -1; usrloopthread.old_priority = -1; usrloopthread.status = THREAD_READY; scheduler.rthread = &usrloopthread; // Initialize Rotating Buffers struct ThreadQueues* tq; for (int i = 0; i < PRIORITIES; i++) { tq = &scheduler.thread_queues[i]; struct ThreadRotBuffer* trb = &tq->ready; for (int i = 0; i < TQUEUE_CNT; i++) { trb->roffset = 0; trb->woffset = 0; for (int j = 0; j < TQUEUE_MAX; j++) trb->queue[j] = 0; trb += 1; } } // Initialize nextpid nextpid = FIRST_AVAIL_PID; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) { struct Thread* t = &threads[i]; t->offset = i; t->sp_base = 0x20000000 - STACK_SIZE*i; } } struct Thread* get_available_thread(void) { for(unsigned long i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) { if (thread_table[i] == 0) return &threads[i]; } return 0; } void add_thread(void* pc, void* arg, unsigned char priority) { struct Thread* thread = get_available_thread(); thread_table[thread->offset] = 1; thread->pc = pc; unsigned long* argp = (void*)thread->sp_base; argp -= 13; *argp = (unsigned long)arg; // Set r0 to the argument argp -= 1; *(unsigned long**)argp = (unsigned long*)cleanup; // Set lr to the cleanup function thread->sp = argp; thread->status = THREAD_READY; thread->mptr = (void*)0; thread->pid = nextpid++; // Reset next pid on overflow if (nextpid < FIRST_AVAIL_PID) { nextpid = FIRST_AVAIL_PID; } if (priority >= PRIORITIES) thread->priority = PRIORITIES - 1; else thread->priority = priority; thread->old_priority = -1; thread->preempt = 0; // Add Thread* to scheduler's appropriate buffer struct ThreadQueues* tq = &scheduler.thread_queues[thread->priority]; struct ThreadRotBuffer* trb; // Add to stack error queue if stack was not obtained trb = &tq->ready; trb->queue[trb->woffset++] = thread; trb->woffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; // Schedule if this was called in usermode unsigned long mode = getmode() & 0x1F; if (mode == 0x10) { sys0(SYS_YIELD_HIGH); } } void uart_scheduler(void) { uart_string("Scheduler Info\n==============\nCurrent\n"); uart_hex((unsigned long)scheduler.rthread); uart_char(' '); kmemshow32((void*)scheduler.rthread, 7); struct ThreadQueues* tq; for(int p = 0; p < PRIORITIES; p++) { uart_string("Priority "); uart_10(p); uart_char('\n'); tq = &scheduler.thread_queues[p]; struct ThreadRotBuffer* trb; trb = &tq->ready; for(int i = 0; i < TQUEUE_CNT; i++) { if (trb->roffset == trb->woffset) { trb += 1; continue; } uart_string("Queue "); uart_10(i); uart_char('\n'); unsigned long roffset = trb->roffset; while (roffset != trb->woffset) { uart_hex((unsigned long)trb->queue[roffset]); uart_char(' '); kmemshow32((void*)trb->queue[roffset], 7); roffset++; roffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; } trb += 1; } } uart_string("==============\n"); } struct Thread* next_thread(void) { struct Thread* next = &usrloopthread; // Recurse through all priorities to try to find a ready thread for (int p = 0; p < PRIORITIES; p++) { struct ThreadRotBuffer* rb = &scheduler.thread_queues[p].ready; if (rb->roffset == rb->woffset) continue; return rb->queue[rb->roffset]; } // No thread found, use basic usrloopthread while waiting for new thread return next; } void* get_rthread_roffset(void) { return &scheduler.thread_queues[scheduler.rthread->priority].ready.roffset; } void yield(void) { struct Thread* rthread = scheduler.rthread; // usrloopthread should not be yielded if (rthread == &usrloopthread) return; // Put current thread at the end of its ready queue, // thus any threads of the same priority can be run first unsigned char priority = rthread->priority; struct ThreadRotBuffer* trb = &scheduler.thread_queues[priority].ready; trb->roffset += 1; trb->roffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; trb->queue[trb->woffset++] = rthread; trb->woffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; } void sched_mutex_yield(void* m) { struct Thread* rthread = scheduler.rthread; // usrloopthread should not be yielded if (rthread == &usrloopthread) return; unsigned char priority = rthread->priority; // Signify which lock this thread is waiting for rthread->mptr = m; struct ThreadRotBuffer* trbb = &scheduler.thread_queues[priority].ready; struct ThreadRotBuffer* trbm = &scheduler.thread_queues[priority].mwait; // Move to next thread in the current thread priority's ready queue trbb->roffset += 1; trbb->roffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; // Add thread to waiting queue trbm->queue[trbm->woffset++] = rthread; trbm->woffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; // Find the thread with the mutex struct ThreadQueues* tq; // Search through each priority for (int i = 0; i < PRIORITIES; i++) { tq = &scheduler.thread_queues[i]; struct ThreadRotBuffer* trb = &tq->ready; // Search through each queue at the current priority for (int i = 0; i < TQUEUE_CNT; i++) { unsigned long roffset = trb->roffset; unsigned long woffset = trb->woffset; // Search through the threads while(roffset != woffset) { // Found thread if (trb->queue[roffset]->pid == ((struct Mutex*)m)->pid) { // Promote the thread to the new priority if (trb->queue[roffset]->priority > priority) { trbb->queue[trbb->woffset++] = trb->queue[roffset]; // Set the old priority if not set if(trb->queue[roffset]->old_priority == 0xFF) trb->queue[roffset]->old_priority = trb->queue[roffset]->priority; // Promote the priority trb->queue[roffset]->priority = priority; trbb->woffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; unsigned long coffset = roffset; // Fill gap where the thread was removed while (coffset != woffset) { trb->queue[coffset] = trb->queue[(coffset+1)%TQUEUE_MAX]; coffset++; coffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; } // Move the woffset back since the gap was filled in if (trb->woffset == 0) trb->woffset = TQUEUE_MAX-1; else trb->woffset--; } return; } roffset++; roffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; } // Check next queue in given priority trb += 1; } } } void sched_mutex_resurrect(void* m) { // Look through each priority for (int p = 0; p < PRIORITIES; p++) { struct ThreadRotBuffer* trbm = &scheduler.thread_queues[p].mwait; unsigned long roffset = trbm->roffset; // Look through the lock wait queue while (roffset != trbm->woffset) { // Check if the thread is waiting for the released mutex if (trbm->queue[roffset]->mptr == m) { // Ressurect the thread trbm->queue[roffset]->mptr = 0; struct ThreadRotBuffer* trb = &scheduler.thread_queues[trbm->queue[roffset]->priority].ready; trb->queue[trb->woffset++] = trbm->queue[roffset]; trb->woffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; // Copy all next backward to fill space unsigned long coffset = roffset; while (coffset != trbm->woffset) { trbm->queue[coffset] = trbm->queue[(coffset+1)%TQUEUE_MAX]; coffset++; coffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; } // Move the woffset back since the space was filled if(trbm->woffset == 0) trbm->woffset = TQUEUE_MAX-1; else trbm->woffset--; // Move the read pointer ahead struct Thread* rthread = scheduler.rthread; // Move the current thread to its old priority if it was promoted earlier if (rthread->old_priority != 0xFF) { struct ThreadRotBuffer* rtrb = &scheduler.thread_queues[rthread->priority].ready; struct ThreadRotBuffer* ntrb = &scheduler.thread_queues[rthread->old_priority].ready; rtrb->roffset++; rtrb->roffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; if (ntrb->roffset == 0) ntrb->roffset = TQUEUE_MAX-1; else ntrb->roffset--; ntrb->queue[ntrb->roffset] = rthread; rthread->priority = rthread->old_priority; rthread->old_priority = -1; } return; } roffset++; roffset %= TQUEUE_MAX; } } } // TODO: Check offsets