path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
index dddba8d..804f58b 100644
--- a/src/main.c
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ bool_t is_tif_ext(char* file_name)
return FALSE;
-void combine_masks(uint16_t *destination, uint16_t *extra_labels, size_t width, size_t height)
+uint16_t* combine_masks(uint16_t *destination, uint16_t *extra_labels, size_t width, size_t height)
if (destination == NULL) {
destination = (uint16_t*)calloc(width*height, sizeof(uint16_t));
@@ -52,9 +52,10 @@ void combine_masks(uint16_t *destination, uint16_t *extra_labels, size_t width,
+ return destination;
-uint16_t* tif_to_labels(char* tif_file_name, size_t *width, size_t *height)
+uint16_t* tif_to_labels(char* tif_file_name, uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height, uint16_t *starting_label_p)
@@ -86,9 +87,15 @@ uint16_t* tif_to_labels(char* tif_file_name, size_t *width, size_t *height)
void* buffer = malloc(STRIP_LENGTH*sizeof(uint8_t));
+ if (buffer == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n");
+ TIFFClose(tif);
+ return NULL;
+ }
uint8_t* image_data = calloc((*width)*(*height)*channels,sizeof(uint8_t));
if (image_data == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n");
+ free(buffer);
return NULL;
@@ -106,7 +113,6 @@ uint16_t* tif_to_labels(char* tif_file_name, size_t *width, size_t *height)
- uint16_t starting_label = 1;
uint16_t *labels = NULL;
labels = (uint16_t*)calloc((*width)*(*height),sizeof(uint16_t));
if (labels == NULL) {
@@ -120,8 +126,8 @@ uint16_t* tif_to_labels(char* tif_file_name, size_t *width, size_t *height)
for (size_t y = 0; y < *height; y++) {
for (size_t x = 0; x < *width; x++) {
size_t coord = x + y*(*width);
- if(flood(image_data, labels, *width, *height, channels, x, y, &(image_data[coord*channels]), starting_label)) {
- starting_label += 1;
+ if(flood(image_data, labels, *width, *height, channels, x, y, &(image_data[coord*channels]), *starting_label_p)) {
+ *starting_label_p += 1;
@@ -136,6 +142,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
char** file_list = NULL;
+ uint32_t width, height;
+ uint16_t starting_label = 1;
uint16_t *masks = NULL;
if (argc > 1) {
if (is_directory(argv[1])) {
@@ -154,9 +162,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("Tiff found!\n");
char* fpath = full_path(argv[1], fname);
- size_t width, height;
- uint16_t *file_labels = tif_to_labels(fpath, &width, &height);
- combine_masks(masks, file_labels, width, height);
+ uint16_t *file_labels = tif_to_labels(fpath, &width, &height, &starting_label);
+ masks = combine_masks(masks, file_labels, width, height);
printf("%s\n", fpath);
@@ -167,7 +174,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
- free(masks);
+ printf("%u %u\n", width, height);
+ //free(masks);
@@ -177,120 +185,16 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
const char* gui_title = "Image Manip - Useful for segmentations!";
InitWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, gui_title);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //-TIFF-IMAGE-OPEN-------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------
- TIFF *tif = TIFFOpen("./data/test.tif", "r");
- if (!tif) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open TIFF file\n");
- return 1;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //-TIFF-FIND-DIMENSIONS--------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------
- uint32_t width, height;
- size_t channels = 1;
- TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width);
- TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- tmsize_t STRIP_LENGTH = TIFFStripSize(tif);
- tmsize_t STRIP_COUNT = TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif);
- if (width*height*3 == STRIP_LENGTH*STRIP_COUNT) {
- channels = 3;
- } else if (width*height*4 == STRIP_LENGTH*STRIP_COUNT) {
- channels = 4;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------
- printf("Total Strip Size: %llu\n", STRIP_LENGTH*STRIP_COUNT);
- printf("Total Image Size: %lu in %hhu channel(s)\n", width*height*channels, channels);
- assert(STRIP_LENGTH*STRIP_COUNT == width*height*channels);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //-TIFF-LOAD-DATA--------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------
- void* buffer = malloc(STRIP_LENGTH*sizeof(uint8_t));
- uint8_t* raster_8 = calloc(width*height*channels,sizeof(uint8_t));
- if (raster_8 == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n");
- TIFFClose(tif);
- return 1;
- }
- for (size_t y = 0; y < STRIP_COUNT; y++) {
- tmsize_t strip_size = TIFFReadRawStrip(tif, y, buffer, STRIP_LENGTH);
- assert(strip_size == STRIP_LENGTH);
- for (size_t x = 0; x < STRIP_LENGTH; x++) {
- raster_8[x + y*STRIP_LENGTH] = ((uint8_t*)buffer)[x];
- }
- }
- free(buffer);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- struct timespec ts_start, ts_end;
- get_time(&ts_start);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //-FLOOD-FILL-SEGMENTATION-----------------------
- //-CONTIGUOUS-REGION-FINDING---------------------
- uint16_t starting_label = 1;
- uint16_t *labels = NULL;
- labels = (uint16_t*)calloc(width*height,sizeof(uint16_t));
- if (labels == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n");
- free(raster_8);
- TIFFClose(tif);
- return 1;
- }
- // Flood fill on each pixel
- // Increase label for each success
- for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) {
- for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- size_t coord = x + y*width;
- if(flood(raster_8, labels, width, height, channels, x, y, &(raster_8[coord*channels]), starting_label)) {
- starting_label += 1;
- }
- }
- }
// (When treating this as RGBA, last bits should ensure opaque)
// This assumes 4096 (2^12) > labels
for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- labels[x + y*width] |= 0xFF000000;
+ masks[x + y*width] |= 0xFF000000;
- get_time(&ts_end);
- printf("Time difference: %.3fms\n", 1000*diff_time(&ts_end, &ts_start));
- printf("N_labels: %u\n", starting_label-1);
- uint32_t *raster = NULL;
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //-READ-TIFF-IMAGE-------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------
- /*
- raster = (uint32_t*)_TIFFmalloc(width*height*sizeof(uint32_t));
- if (raster == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n");
- free(labels);
- free(raster_8);
- TIFFClose(tif);
- return 1;
- }
- if (!TIFFReadRGBAImage(tif, width, height, raster, 0)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read TIFF image\n");
- free(labels);
- free(raster_8);
- _TIFFfree(raster);
- TIFFClose(tif);
- return 1;
- }
- */
- //-----------------------------------------------
@@ -299,22 +203,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
RaylibImage.width = width;
RaylibImage.height = height;
RaylibImage.mipmaps = 1;
- // Use Loaded Image
- RaylibImage.data = raster;
- // Use Strip Image Data
- RaylibImage.data = raster_8;
- if (channels == 1) {
- } else if (channels == 3) {
- } else if (channels == 4) {
- } else {
- assert(0);
- }
// Use Contiguous Labels
- RaylibImage.data = labels;
+ RaylibImage.data = masks;
@@ -359,17 +249,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
- if (labels != NULL) {
- free(labels);
+ if (masks != NULL) {
+ free(masks);
- if (raster_8 != NULL) {
- free(raster_8);
- }
- if (raster != NULL) {
- _TIFFfree(raster);
- }
- TIFFClose(tif);
return 0;